JJ's West Country Cider

About JJ's West Country Cider

Phillip Maggs

I have been involved in the cider industry with my family from the age of 12 way back there in 1992. We have been attending agricultural shows and country fairs all over the south of england under my family name of Old Joe’s Cider.
Back then I would be in charge of making sure there were enough glasses to hand and also the demonstrations on how to make cider. I would talk people through and show them how to crush the apples in our apple scratcher, then lay the pulp onto straw to build what is called the cheese on the press. Once enough layers had been formed I would then press the apples to extract the juice paving the way for cider to be made!

Over the years we have built up a vast number of regulars who often tell us they only come to the shows to see us! This is wonderful to hear and many good friends have been made!
Since the death of my father in 1999 many of our regular cider drinkers now refer to me as Joe Junior hence the name of my company being called JJ’s Cider!

There are many exciting projects being lined up for the future many of which are centred around new products. I hope to very shortly be able to offer a fruit based cider both in the keg and scrumpy form and even more exciting a 13% A.B.V special blend cider.
As with all drinks they must be enjoyed responsibly but could be a real winner at cider and beer festivals up and down the country!

In time I hope to be able to offer some of the products in bottle variety for you to enjoy at your leisure or as the perfect gift to friends and family.